Assistant professor
NIE Xin 聂鑫
NIE Xin 聂鑫

Curriculum Vitae


2021 - Present        Assistant Professor, Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University

2019 - 2021            Visitor at YMSC, Tsinghua University. 

2015 - 2019            Postdoc at KIAS, South Korea. 

2013 - 2015            Postdoc at University Paris 11, France.


2009 - 2013            Ph.D.(Mathematics), University Paris 6, France. 

2008 - 2009            M.Sc.(Mathematics), University Paris 13, France. 

2004 - 2008            B.Sc.(Mathematics), Tsinghua University.


I am interested in various objects associated to surface fundamental group representations and Higgs bundles, including hyperbolic 2- and 3-manifolds, Teichmüller space, harmonic maps, Lorentzian spacetimes, affine spheres, projective structures, etc.

Honors and Awards




  1.   Cyclic Higgs bundles and minimal surfaces in pseudo-hyperbolic spaces. arXiv.

  2. (with Andrea SeppiHypersurfaces of constant Gauss-Kronecker curvature with Li-normalization in affine space. arXiv.

  3. (with Andrea SeppiAffine deformations of quasi-divisible convex cones. arXiv.

  4. (with Yunhui Wu and Yuhao Xue) Large genus asymptotics for lengths of separating closed geodesics on random surfaces. arXiv.


  1. Poles of cubic differentials and ends of convex RP^2 surfaces.  J. Differential Geom.(2022), to appear

  2. (with Andrea Seppi) Regular domains and surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature in three-dimensional affine space.Analysis & PDE. Vol. 15 (2022), No. 3, 643–697.

  3. Limit polygons of convex domains in the projective plane. Int. Math. Res. Not.,Vol. 7 (2022), 5398–5424.

  4. Entropy degeneration of convex projective surfaces.Conform. Geom. Dyn. Vol. 19 (2015), 318–322. 

  5. On the Hilbert geometry of simplicial Tits sets.Ann. Inst. Fourier. Vol 65 No.3 (2015) 1005-1030.

  6. The quasi-Poisson Goldman formula.J. Geom. Phys. Vol 74(2013) 1-17.

Ph.D. thesis

  • Théorie quasi-Poisson pour connexions plates, entropie d'ensemble de Tits.   Dissertation at University Paris 6 (2013).